Project Details

Published On: June 7, 2024By

Project Overview:

Savage, a cutting-edge fashion brand known for its bold and trendy apparel, partnered with us to create an eye-catching website that would reflect their unique style and enhance their online presence. The goal was to design a visually stunning and user-friendly site that would engage visitors and drive sales.


  • Develop a visually striking and responsive website design that embodies the brand’s edgy and fashionable aesthetic.
  • Ensure easy navigation and a seamless user experience across all devices.
  • Integrate eCommerce functionality with secure payment options.
  • Optimize the website for fast load times and high performance.
  • Implement SEO best practices to increase visibility and attract organic traffic.

Design Features:

  1. Homepage:
    • Bold, modern design with high-impact visuals and branding elements.
    • Engaging hero section featuring the latest collections and promotions.
    • Easy access to popular product categories and new arrivals.
    • Customer testimonials and social media integrations to build community and credibility.
  2. Product Pages:
    • High-resolution images and detailed descriptions to showcase the apparel.
    • Size guide and fit information to help customers make informed purchases.
    • Customer reviews and ratings to provide social proof and enhance trust.
  3. Shopping Cart & Checkout:
    • Streamlined shopping cart with clear itemization and pricing.
    • Multiple secure payment options including credit card, PayPal, and more.
    • Guest checkout option to simplify the purchase process.
    • Mobile-friendly design to ensure a seamless shopping experience on all devices.
  4. Customer Account Area:
    • Personalized dashboard for customers to manage orders, track shipments, and update information.
    • Wish list feature for customers to save favorite items for future purchases.
    • Easy access to purchase history and reorder options.
  5. Additional Features:
    • Blog section with fashion tips, trends, and company news to engage visitors and drive traffic.
    • FAQ page to address common customer questions and concerns.
    • Contact form and live chat support for real-time assistance and customer service.

Technology Stack:

  • Platform: Shopify / WooCommerce (depending on client preference)
  • CMS: WordPress (for content management and blog)
  • Payment Gateway: Stripe, PayPal
  • SEO Tools: Yoast SEO, Google Analytics


  • Increased online sales by 50% within the first three months of launch.
  • Enhanced user engagement with a 55% increase in average session duration.
  • Improved search engine rankings, resulting in a 35% boost in organic traffic.
  • Positive customer feedback highlighting the site’s aesthetics and ease of use.